On September the 14th we attended this event hosted by MEED, which was divided into two parts. The first one was related to Traffic Management & Modelling. In this part the Eng. Anwar Al Hamr, from the Land Transport Planning Department of the Ministry of Transport, showed us how the integration between previous Traffic Models and new Traffic Management software is taking place and how it will help to foresee future requirements of the transport system in Qatar. The second part of the workshop dealt with Bridges and Tunneling, which was more related to our business. We highlight the presentation conducted by Dr. Christis Loizides, from J&P, about how to anticipate authorities concerns on design and clear strategies to avoid changes in the Scope of Works, an issue which is put on the table in many construction works in the country.
Finally, we had the opportunity to network and discuss several matters that are present in the project's day-to-day activities with other colleagues from the sector.
(Photos provided by MEED)